Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hide and Seek

Hide and seek is a great childhood game. One (or more) persons hide while another person seeks for them. The game can go on for hours. This is now my life.

J has recently started taking toys or random objects and hiding them. Now, you may be thinking, how hard can it be to find something a one year old hides. To that I answer, You don't know J.

I have found objects in the dryer, under the deck, behind the toilet, at the bottom of hampers and laundry baskets, under the couch, in the garbage can, in kitchen drawers and cabinets. If you catch him in the act of hiding something, he'll smile at you and then hand over the object. Probably all the while thinking, "Damn you, vile woman!" a la Stewie on Family Guy.

It's been 3 weeks since I've seen the bus driver. I have searched the house high and low. I'm pretty much ready to sign off on her. I miss her hard, smiling, plastic face in the front of the bus singing "Move on back, Move on back". But alas, I will probably find her stuffed in the back of a closet with a smile still on her face.