Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pizza Party

Last Friday night we ordered out for pizza for dinner. We ate, and the rest of the pizza (about 8 slices) was left on the kitchen counter (thanks to hubby forgetting) all night. I wake up the next morning, and think to myself, "mmm, pizza for breakfast. Exxxcelent!" (a'la Mr. Burns from the Simpsons).

So I meander downstairs. No pizza box to be found. Oh, I think to myself, M must have put the rest of the pizza on a plate in the fridge. How sweet of him to think of that.

Nope. No pizza in the fridge.

M is in the shower. I go in for the sneak attack. "Where the hell is the pizza?" I yell.

M: What pizza?

Me: Uhhh, the leftover pizza from last night.

M: You ate most it. I ate the last two pieces this morning for breakfast.

Me: I didn't eat any pizza. I wanted pizza for breakfast. ::Doing quick math in my head:: Well, it was a 16 cut pizza. We had 8 slices between the 3 of us for dinner last night and you ate two this morning. So where's the other six slices?

M: I don't know. But there was a piece of cheese from the pizza on the kitchen table.

I walk out to the living room and ask Jack if he ate pizza this morning.


Me: "Uh-huh. And did you share with Bandit?"

J: "Yeah!!"

Me: "Did you eat about, ohhh let's say . . . SIX slices of pizza?"

J: ::Apparently doing the math in his head:: "YEAH!!"

Me: "So you had a pizza party without me?"

J: "Yeah." ::Shrugs his shoulders::

Me: "And how did you get up to the counter?" (I already know the answer).

J: ::Points to the dishwasher and shrugs his shoulders:: (He opens the dishwasher and stands on the door to reach stuff on the counter all the time.)

I tell M that Jack and Bandit apparently had a pizza party without us. M says that explains why the dog wasn't hitting at his bowl this morning and why J didn't want anything for breakfast. Ha, no freakin' kidding! Six slices of pizza between a 30 lb boy and a 70 lb. dog is alot! It also explains why J brought at least 2 capri suns up to my bedroom for me to open around 6am.

This whole scenario still makes me laugh out loud and reminds of what kind of a nuthouse our household is sometimes. And I love every minute of it!