Friday, August 20, 2010

It's a Wonderful Life

I didn't title my blog It's A Wonderful Life because of the movie. Nope, it's because I consider my life to be pretty wonderful. It's only 9 am and already I love how this day is going. Here are some highlights:

*J wakes me up around 7:30, talking a mile a minute about how he's going to put the Nintendo DS in my purse, how he's cold, and how he's going to get clothes out of his dresser.

*J leaves my room, then comes back a few minutes later with some random clothes in his hands. He puts on his underwear, and then holds up the pants he picked out. Except it's a shirt. "A shirt? Oh yeah, it's a shirt. Need pants.", he said to no one but himself, and he ran back to his bedroom.

*J returns to put on his Elmo print pajama bottoms to 'match' his pirate t-shirt and then finishes off the outfit with a green sock and a blue sock.

*We come downstairs and I let the cat in the house from it's halfway house in the garage (that's a whole 'nother post for another day).

*J sits down to eat his cereal and the cat jumps up on the chair with him. The dog is none too pleased because he is the one who gets the scraps. And being that he's 80 lbs, he can't get a whole lot closer than sitting right beside J's chair. Dog glares at cat.

*J, who thinks the cat is getting a little too close while he's eating, keeps saying "no-no kitty. down kitty" and then kisses it on its head everytime he puts it back down on the floor.

*The cat loves our dog, our dog tolerates (but secretly loves) the cat, and J loves to chase and be chased by the cat and the dog. Chaos ensues.

*The dog chases the cat and gets too close to it and rolls it over. The cat jumps up and smacks the dogs nose with his paw. Dog looks shocked.

*Jack chases cat. Dog chases Jack and cat. I sit at the kitchen table with my laptop. Pure bliss!

It really is a wonderful life!!

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