Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Babies and Water

Why do babies like water so much? Somebody please explain it to me. Because if I knew, I could maybe formulate a solution to stop my one year old from throwing stuff in the toilet. The official count for today is as follows:

1 bottle
1 pacifier
1 pacifier clip
2 plastic balls
1 floating tub toy

I know what you're thinking, you judgemental person you. You're thinking, "Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know to close the lid or heck, even just close the whole bathroom door." Yeeaaahhh, I hear you. I did that after the first 2 times. The problem is, he's sneaky. I try to sneak down the hall to put towels away. He follows me silently, like a cougar hunting it's prey. I don't even know he's there until I hear the "plop" of some item being thrown into the toilet. While I'm yelling "You've got to be freakin' kidding me! Not again!", he throws the item in his other hand into the toilet. Then looks up and smiles at me. Maybe he'll grow up to be a marine biologist???

On another note, we went to the zoo again today (5th time in 5 months). But, today was different. Today, we got a behind the scenes tour. We got to touch/pet the Komodo dragon. That's right - the Komodo dragon. The big lizard at the beginning of the zoo that looks like he'll rip your skin to shreds if you get within eyesight of him. Apparently, the Komodo dragon at the Pittsburgh Zoo is the only one in the world that is docile enough to touch. So, I figure, they're either feeding it really well or sedating it. You decide.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they just took the dragon out with Nicole the night before. These things happen.


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