Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Birthday

A whole year. I can't believe one year (and one day) ago I gave birth to our baby boy. As we went throughout the day in preparation for J's birthday party, I silently relived the day of J's birth in my own mind. 10:15: Doctor T. broke my water. 11:00: Epidural. 12:15: J's heart rate dropped and the thought crossed everyone's mind that we may lose him. 1:15: J enters the world happy and healthy. Birthdays are for the person that was born on that day, but moms should also be celebrated. The nine months of pregnancy plus the hours (and sometimes days) of labor entitle any mom to give herself a pat on the back on the anniversary of their child's birth.

The past year has flown by so incredibly fast. It is amazing to me that J was born, like all babies, not being able to hold his head up, see less than a foot away and depend on his parents to provide for all his needs. And yet here we are, one year later, and J is walking (sometimes running!), saying some words and has his own personality. It is amazing how fast they grow and what they can learn in one year's time!

Being that I am a stay at home mom, I am proud to say that I have been there for all his firsts.
First time he rolled over. First time he smiled. First time he laughed. First steps. First words. I loved being there to cheer him on and jump and down when he learned something new. (Although I quickly realized that keeping your mouth shut and watching in awe is better. It tends to scare your kid and cause him to stop what he's doing when Mommy is whooping it up like a crazy person). Every day that goes by I love him more and I'm more proud of him than I was the day before.

I look forward to the year to come and seeing all that he will learn and accomplish. I am so happy to be a mom and enjoy all the happiness and wonderment motherhood entails. And I'm glad to be a mother to one pretty cool little kid.

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