Monday, November 16, 2009


Well, J and I have survived what I can only assume to be the plague H1N1. We had all the symptoms except 'occasionally vomiting and diarrhea'(thank heavens). When they say fatigue is a symptom, they aren't kidding! I slept at least 22 out of 24 hours on Saturday. It took everything I had to get off the couch to pee and grab another bottle of water. And just doing that required another nap!

I would just like to thank the people of Pillsbury and Cinnabon for teaming together to make those yummy cinnamon rolls. They are heavenly! It's the only thing I had any desire to eat after not having an appetite for 2 days. And they didn't let me down!

So, with this H1N1 thing, it's a repiratory issue. Kind of like a cold. That really really sucks. Being the good mom that I am, I keep checking J to make sure he's 'still breathing'. Now, please go down this road of morbidity with me . . .

As long as I have been old enough to comprehend things parents do, I understand parents check on their kids to make sure they're still breathing. So if they're breathing - everythings A-ok. And if they're not? They're dead. What are you going to do? Other than call the coroner.

Okay, I just heard everyone gasp. But seriously . . .

Technically, you're checking to see if your children are alive. Or dead.

Of course, like any parent, I still check on J to make sure his head isn't stuck between the bed and the wall, or to ensure the blanket isn't over his face, or to make sure the dog isn't trying to snuff him out so he can be #1 again. You know, the stuff that would ensure he lives to see his 3rd birthday.

But, to be honest, it's the stuff the kid does when he's awake that scares the daylights out of me. By the time bedtime comes, I'm just glad he's in one spot and not doing somersaults off the freakin' kitchen table.

Well, that's all for today. I'm going to check on J and make sure he's still breathing.

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