Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Talk Already Would Ya!!

J doesn't talk. At all. By age 2, most kids are easily using at least 40-50 words. I have heard J say about, ohhh, 10. But he always lets you know what he wants/needs and answers your questions/requests, and can follow 3 and 4 step directives. The pediatrician isn't worried, and neither am I. I just figure he'll talk when he's ready, but I try nonetheless.

I have tried withholding things to get him to use his words. He just shrugs and walks off.

I have tried getting him to watch my lips and repeat what I say. He laughs.

But I think I have found his weakness: my 'stupidity'.

Yesterday we were looking at one of those Discovery Kids books that has all kinds of pictures in it. Usually J points to stuff and I name it and then I'll name stuff and he'll point to it. Yesterday this was what happened:

J points to a picture of a cat.
Me: Oh, that's a mouse.
J looks at me like I'm insane and shakes his head no.
Me: I'm sorry. Silly mommy. That's a horse.
J shakes his head no.
Me: Oh. Well, if it's not a horse, and it's not a mouse than what is that Jack?
J: Ca
Me: Oh, a cat! You're right!

We played the same 'game' again with the dog picture (he said daw). Then he caught on to what I was doing and reading time was over.

Today I built J a tent using the kitchen table. He thought that was really cool. So did I. I have been waiting for him to be old enough to appreciate the blanket tent and it's funness and goodness. I tried when he was closer to a year old, and I quickly became bored when, for the 10th time, J pulled the blankets off the table and rolled all over them.

Today we also practiced putting nuts onto screws (fine motor skills). J has a hard time getting the nut onto the bottom of the screw, but once it's started he does pretty well. He easily recognized which nut went with what screw (the screws were 3 different sizes).

Oh, and on another note, we met my cousins' baby for the first time tonight. N is almost 4 months old and I was holding him when we were getting ready to leave. I asked J if we should take baby N home with us. "Noo!" came the reply with alot of head shaking. When asked who should take the baby home, he pointed to the baby's mom and nodded. Guess he's not ready for that sibling yet.

Which is good, cause neither am I!! haha

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