Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Round II

Well, I guess we weren't as "over" our illness as I previously thought.

J woke up this morning around 6 a.m. and just wasn't himself. He seemed really tired and lethargic and just downright mean, not to mention the 102 fever. Not his usual self (that's usually me at 6 a.m.!) I put him down for a nap around 9:30 a.m. and he slept. And slept. And slept. And slept some more. I woke him up every so often and he'd smile and then go right back to sleep. At 2:30 I was getting worried. I called my husband, called the pediatrician, called my husband back and we were out of the house by a little after 3 pm, headed for Childrens Hospital.

We got there around 4 pm and they checked us in and did all the preliminary stuff. The doctor eventually came back and listened to his heart and lungs and said she didn't think it was pneumonia because there wasn't any crackling when he breathed. But they did X-rays anyways. Which J hated. And then after the X-rays was the blood oxygen check (which is basically just a bandaid wrapped around their finger), which he hated.

And then came the vampires blood lab girls to take blood and insert an IV in case he needed antibiotics intravenously. It took 3 of us to hold him down and one to take the blood. They got him all fixed up with his IV, bandaged it all up with all kinds of splints and plastic stuff that is indestructible to children. But apparently not to my kid. J ripped the whole thing off (IV and all) and threw it on the bed next to him as soon as they walked out the door. Blood was everywhere. Ugh! So, no more IVs for him.

Shortly after, the doctor came back and informed us that there were 'streaks' on the X-ray indicating pneumonia. An hour later, we were out the door with prescription in hand and J asleep in my arms.

Tonight was one of the hardest nights of being a mom yet. Fear that something is really wrong with your child. Anger that the damn nurse had to try TWICE to find the vein while my baby laid there screaming in fear and pain. Impatience at retelling why we were at the hospital 10 million times while we WERE AT THE HOSPITAL. And utter happiness in knowing your child will be okay with an antibiotic and some TLC.

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